Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Change of Heart, Change of Mind

Well, I could be wrong, happens more often than not. It's sometimes/always hard to admit, but true nonetheless. I really LIKE twitter. As an often wordy writer, I find it hard most times to fit what I want into the format, but really enjoy the short exchanges with “twitta friends” of diverse backgrounds, ages, and political leanings. Maybe it’s selfish, but I try to steer away from the negative folks out there and spammers fall at the top of my everyday hit list.

Just suffered a first “blocked” twitter today with one of my favorite friends, probably because of the usual paranoia that accompanies these exchanges, everyone looks for hidden agendas (pervs and other creepy crawlers, shame there’s not a remote computer smoker button for those characters, fouling the clear water in which the rest of us are swimming). Still, much here in the way of self-discovery and personal enrichment, one of the best ways I know to get back in touch with your humanity jaded by years of building the protective armor. When in doubt, pass positive strokes, everyone needs them and no one should have to ask.

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